Day 10 - Sun 8 May 05, Shanghai, China
Awake at 06:30 and noticed that the boat wasn't moving around as much as it was, so I got out on deck just as we turned into the Shanghai river mouth. Came back to the cabin showered, and started to get my stuff together. Breakfast was in a Chinese style, and not quite as good as yesterday's.
We docked at 9am, but we weren't allowed off until 10:30. I got through immigration and customs with no issues, and shared a taxi with a few of people I'd been chatting to on the boat. My hotel is decked out like a boat, how ironic! The room is very large, and for the first time ever I'm using the laundry service in the hotel. How Decadent!
Out on the streets, well, the metro actually, up to the railway station to collect my ticket to Beijing - was directed to a tiny room with three guys trying to break the world record for smoking. At first I thought I was in the wrong place, as they looked at my voucher as if they had never seen such a thing. After a few minutes one guy dug out a huge wad of tickets, and mine was the very last one!
Then back to People's Square, and went into the urban planning hall, a view of how Shanghai is going to develop over the next few years. Back to the hotel to avoid the hottest part of the day!
Okay, I'm back from an afternoon walk on the Bund, but I'm going to go out and do it again when it is dark. The smog seems to be getting worse, you can barely see across the river.
I think I know what sport the Chinese are going to introduce in the 2008 Olympics, 'Hawking and Spitting' it is everywhere!
They also have crossing patrols, people at busy junctions to ensure that no-one even steps off the pavement until the green man appears, otherwise there is a whistle and a shout.
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