Day 3 - Sun 13 Apr 2003
The train is noisy, but I slept well They even supply ear plugs! We're now in a different time zone, but I have no idea if I should put my watch forward or backward! Breakfast kicks off at 6:30, so that will confirm everything. The guy who works on the railway got off at 4am this morning, so the bottom bunk is free now. I'll ask the conductor if I can move down (there's a window, and I might be able to create a blackout, so I can see the stars!)
The people I had breakfast with are very interested in the time, and where we are. Phileas Fogg doesn't consult timetables - "he was a solid body; traversing an orbit around the terrestrial globe" am I just that? collecting countries as I go? Blueberry pancakes for breakfast, with syrup - Hmmm!
Stop at Sioux Lookout; small town Canada still asleep at 9am on a Sunday morning. The landscape hasn't changed in a whole day - birch tress, with the odd fir tree, snow patches and frozen lakes. The train curves over a causeway of rock and iron to skip across the bigger stretches of water.
Well, I've now played golf on a moving train - a little fake putting green laid out on the floor of the buffet car!
In the last hour the landscape has changed, you can no longer see as far, hills and river valleys are beginning to appear - maybe we're heading into the Prairies.
Chicken burger for lunch, with maple cake for afters - you can't beat a bit of moist cake as I often say! I plan to get off the train at Winnipeg (there's a long stop), I'll try to find an Internet cafe, so I can report my progress. I should have an hour to look around before the train sets off again.
Well, Winnipeg was no great shakes, had a wander down to the river, looked around a shopping mall, and took a few photos, then back to the train. Some passengers have got off, so I've got new travelling companions. My bunk mate downstairs is Sheila from Yorkshire! She precedes to tell me her life story, and the story of her two daughters. Elsewhere a mum and young daughter with grandmother and grandfather are settling in. The train moves on, only the people change.
Supper was good - a fish dish, followed by Triamsu.
NextView my route around the world here
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