Day 9 - Sat 19 Apr 2003
Packed up my Vancouver Lonely Planet, and headed down town looking for a post office - found two, both shut! I didn't really have high hopes for today, and this wasn't helping matters!
As I walked down to the ferry I met a black guy who asked for some change - so I gave him what I had in my pocket - he then asked where I came from. He said that English people always treated him okay, but he wished that some one would blow up America. I said that was a bit harsh, but he said that racism in the US is hard, and that he'd been beaten up last night - a sobering conversation.
The 35 minute ride to Bainbridge Island was nice and smooth, and not many people where on the boat - it was only just gone 9am when I got off the boat (maybe that's why the post offices were shut!), so most of the island was still asleep! But the farmers market was in full swing.
Found the library had free Internet access - but it's at the top of a hill a mile from the ferry! Sent a few e-mails back home, and found out that SARS is not going away in Hong Kong, more people died there yesterday then ever before - so I rang United, and they said that I can get to New Zealand on my mileage limit! So I'm flying out of Narita to Christchurch, one night there, and then fly up to Auckland, two nights there, and then onward to Dubai via Singapore.
Found a book shop and bought a LP Auckland - then headed for Cafe Nova - Very nice - had a chicken club, a beer, and a tiramsu - all for $19. Spent the rest of the day on this pleasant island - it's kinda like the town in Jaws.
Anyway now back at the hostel - I'm just going to relax and read my books (check out what there is to see in Auckland!). I'm sooo glad I went to Bainbridge Island - it's the highlight of my Seattle trip. Oh - dug out my little radio, and the first track I heard? Nirvana of course!
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