Day 6 - Wed 7 Apr 2004
My last day in Bangkok - little sleep last night due to the noise from the bars and clubs on the KS road.
My view of Bangkok? Well it’s a very interesting place the Wat’s and Temples are summit. Little or no hassle. Yup, a good place - did I mention the heat?
Well, I’m at the airport, gate No.1 waiting to board - no upgrade, but I did use the ‘silver’ check-in. On the way to the airport the taxi took the expressway, the speed limit is 90kph - we topped out at 150kph!
I’m in seat 41H, in a 3x3 configuration - the food was good, a pancake roll with potato and cheese. I’m looking forward to Singapore, it should be easier than Bangkok (not that Bangkok was difficult).
I’ve done my "T" country only K,Q,X and Y to go now - not bad going.
I still can’t believe that I’m going this "around the world" thing again. I guess I feel a little detached. Maybe I need a real change for my next trip? Damascus does sound good - but how safe is it?
I’m ploughing through "around the world in eighty days" Mr Fogg is on the train across America - I’ll be there soon as well, but Japan comes first!
Managed to survive the flight, in fact the time just flew. Got through immigration very quickly, and my bag was already on the reclaim! Got a taxi shuttle for S$7 direct to my hotel. Checked in with no problems - if only all travel was like that!
My room is on the ground floor and quite roomy, it has exactly the same TV as my room in Bangkok!
I’ve just heard the call to prayer, there must be a mosque next door! I’m ready to go and have my first look at Singapore now - even at 9pm it’s hot!
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