Day 22 - Thr 22 Apr 2004 #2
San Francisco
It's 9am, I'm in San Francisco, and this is the same date as yesterday - Hmmm. This international date line thing is an interesting thing.
Caught a shuttle bus downtown, direct to my hotel - the room is a little small, but it does have a hand basin, an iron and an ironing board - so I can do a wash before I get on the train.
Out on the streets right away - found a camera store, and bought a Fuji 210 - it seems to be almost identical to the Fuji 420, but it takes AA batteries and has a TV out, oh and is the size of a house brick! At least I can take photos again.
Got a three day visitors travel pass from the tourist info place, and onto the Puma stores to get a pair of shoes. All of that within 10 minutes of stepping out of the hotel, and within an hour of arriving.
Took a tram down to Fishermans' Warf - talk about tourist central! Booked my night tour of Alcatraz, and then rented a bike and rode over the Golden Gate bridge. Phew! Caught the ferry back from Sausalito - I'm glad I put some sun screen on before I went out, but the tops of my hands did get burnt (while holding on to the handbars!)
Back to the hotel, did a wash, and then fell asleep - bad move, as I'm now awake at 1am! Oh - while I was out I saw the "tree man", the guy who hides behind a bit of greenery, and then jumps out and scares the tourists!
My legs are killing me - 8 miles on a bike, I must have been mad!
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