Day 48 - Fri 02 May 08
The chicken lucnch yesterday had it's revenge at 04:00 this morning - I will go into no more greater detail. Got up at 10:30 and we really are in the desert now, it's sand as far as the eye can see on one side, and low feature-less hills on the other. The train got in at 11:45 (15 mins early) and the girl who started talking to me on the train got me a taxi to her 'preferred' hotel. The hotel is rather nice, a bit touristy, and I have a fear that it will fill up with a tour group. I get the room for 200,000R. Had a discussion about the taxi driver who is hanging around for his pay off from the hotel. I don't see why he should get more money seems I'd told him which hotel to go to..
My room is very nice with stained glass windows and it overlooks a courtyard with a fountain, I'm given the guided tour of the hotel including the cold room, and the roof top (which has good views). Out on the streets by 15:00 to have a look around the city, but everything is closed as it's a friday. I managed to get a few provisions and have a look inside a couple of mosques. There are many more tourists here and everyone has a LP Iran in their hand. I met one couple who have driven from Austria to India, and they are now on the way back.
Back to the hotel to have a snooze, and I'm awoken by a knock on the door - it's the young lady from the train with her Sister, Mum and Dad! We chat for about 20 minutes before they head off. Very nice.
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