Day 59 - Tue 13 May 08
Up for a late breakfast at 09:00 (that's how it's done here, as 09:00 was the start time!) then it was out for a walk around town. I retrace my steps from last night and I'm aiming to climb up hill to the castle that over looks the city. However other things keep catching my eye, and I head over the river to a church high on a rock cliff on a turn on the river. Then I head up to the brand new cathedral on the hill.
Then it was back across the river to the baths (which look just like a smaller version of the trading domes in Bukara!) Near by is the only surviving mosque in the city. A long climb got me up to the castle and I found myself clambering over rubble to get better views over the valley. Out of the castle and a long a proper path gets me over to the metal lady, a ex-soviet statue that towers over the city. A few good photos and then down into the old town to get me a pizza.
Then I found and had a look around the local synagogue, and then money museum, which has a good collection of cash from around the world even if some of the examples are samples or colour photocopies. Back to the hotel to meet up with the Americans to try and arrange a trip out for tomorrow. We find a company, and I haggle and get the price down, but it's still quite expensive. But hey I might not be back this way, so I pay up.
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