Day 3 Sun 19 Dec 2004
Up early, did breakfast and headed out - Wow! It snowed last night, okay it's not much but it is on the ground, and it's damn cold. Walked down town and got a ticket for the sight seeing bus, I got on the 10:00 bus and did the whole tour, and got some good photos. Walked back up to the hotel, and checked out. I'm now just waiting for the 14:00 coach back to the airport. I'm going to find a 7-11 to use the last of my Internet credit. Stockholm is a pretty cool place, and if you're into museums, then it's paradise!
Sweden is supposed to have a really good social security system, and I haven't seen any one begging or sleeping rough (but I guess you just couldn't do it in these temperatures) - but I have seen a few people going through the bins, and there was one guy in the bottle bank.
Caught the coach back to the airport and was chatting to a Swedish girl who was heading back to London, she's been living there for the past five years. The flight was uneventful, but when I got back to my car I found that I had a flat battery (due to me leaving the interior light on! Doh!), luckily the car park has a deal with the AA, and patrolman was having a coffee at the terminal, so he was there to give me a jump start within a half hour. Back to work tomorrow!
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