Day 21 - Mon 18 Dec 06
I slept rather well, the bloke that got on in Saltzberg didn't make too much noise, and we had an extra punter at about 05:00 I have no idea where that was! The train was about a half hour late getting into Paris, and I walked over to Nord in superquick time, but there my luck ran out. Eurostar would no change my ticket because it's not exchangeable. I really can't see why it's such a big deal.
So I wait in the station for my penultimate train trip. The weather in Paris is much milder than Belgrade, but it's still cold and foggy!
Well, I'm finally on Eurostar and heading out of Paris, I'm in Seat 61 but haven't paid for my upgrade (yet). The only excitement is that Coln Meany is onboard. I think he has a new movie out, so maybe he's been in Paris doing some press work? The chief of the train has been over to see me, and he'll be back later to collect the cash for the upgrade.
Got into London with no problems, and a taxi and other train gets me home!
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