After a few days in Moscow it was time to get on a other train, this time to get across Europe to Brussels.
I left Moscow from Belarus station, a very large pale blue building, which a huge waiting room (smelling of fresh paint!)
This carriage was probably the worst of the whole trip - mainly due to the lack of space. The carriage had three bunks in the space that a Russian sleeper train would have two, and the provodniitsa wasn't that helpful either!
The first part of the journey wasn't good, as there was no restaurant car, so the final chinese noodle packs came to the rescue.
As we crossed the Russian/Belarus border I expected to have to hand over the Russian customs form, but the border came and went during the night and no one even checked my passport.
When the train got to the Belarus/Poland border I was asked for the Russian Customs form, very, very confusing, and at no point did I get asked to open up my bags.
The best news when arriving in Warsaw was the addition of a restaurant car - it was straight down the train to have a late breakfast/early lunch. Trying to pay for it with Russian Roubles was a no no. The waiter just looked at the notes and shook his head!
It's quite ironic that after 30 days on the move, with many trains, across an entire continent the only one that arrived late was the Eurostar into Waterloo. There was a broken down train in front of us at Bromley South.
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